Updated: Mar 30, 2022
EMOTIONAL MANAGEMENT : Stop blamming some one, take the responsibilty to respond to life with " acceptance"
When someone is doing something in a way you donot want it to be done and you are not able to accept it, you become angry.
When some one is doing some thing in a way you dont want it to be done but you are able to accept it, you remain tolerant.
When someone has done something that has emotionally hurt you and you not able to accept it, it develops hatred in you.
When some has done something that has emotionally hurt you and you are able to accept it, it helps you forgive them.
When someone has something that you donot have and you are not able to accept it, you become jealous. However if you can accept it, you remain inspired .
When you encounter uncertainty and you are not sure about how you are going to handle it and you are not able to accept, it causes fear in you. However if you are able to accept it, you feel adventurous.
When someone is present in your thoughts but is not physcially present and you are not able to accept it, you say" I miss you " . But if you are accept it ,you say " I amd thinking of you "
Something ( Someone) + Acceptance = Positive emotion
Something ( Someone) + Non Acceptance= Negative emotion
So it is not something or someone who is making you feel positive or negative ,but it is your acceptance or non acceptance of something or someone that is making you feel positive or negative.
It isn't the world, but the quality of your response to the world( acceptance or non acceptance) that determines of your emotions.
The next time, you find yourself disturbed by a negative emotion, instead of asking who or what is disturbing replace resistance (non acceptance) with acceptance and the negative emotion will turn in to a positive.