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Writer's pictureUMESHKUMAR U



In Japanese it is called " OKYAKUSAMA WA KAMISAMA DESU" which means Customer is God.

So Is Customer Really God.?

Customer is Not God. But Customer Appears as God not only physically, but also mentally- mental universe-ideas, thoughts , interest etc. Infinite appears as finite. 

There are management textbooks which explain that the customer is God from a business perspective.

Swami Vivekananda says we pass through a Triangle.

Jeeva ( ie Universe), Jagath ( ie You, me etc) and Ishwara ( ie God). These are the 3 points of Triangle

Jeeva ( Universe) means not only physical universe but also mental universe- such as your feelings, ideas, thoughts - all comes under Jeeva. So business negotiation, sales meetings, trade fairs , shipment procedures- everything is Jeeva.

And this Jeeva ( Universe) passing through TIME, SPACE and CAUSATION - APPEARS as Multiplicity.

Look at the Term " APPEARS" .

With out changing at all -the Jeeva ( Universe) appears in Multiplicity.

Advaita Vedanta says nothing separates ,all is " APPEARANCE" through Time, Space and Causation. And Time , Space and Causation is Maya.

Causation = Cause and Effect

Even Science comes under Maya ( Maya as per Vedanta)

We are watching a Movie . This is also a Maya. Because it is Persistence of Vision. As per New Study ( not vedanta) eyes doesnot function to replicate the world we see. It is the brain patterns. As a result no two people see anything exactly alike.

Persistence of vision is also an illusion. Whenever light strikes the retina, the brain retains the impression of that light for about 10th to a 15th of a second after the source of that light is removed from the sight. This is due to a prolonged chemical reaction. As a result eye cannot clearly distinguish changes in light that occur faster than this retention period. The changes either go unnoticed or they APPEAR to be one continuous picture to us.So even vision is a Maya

Sky is not Blue

It appears as Blue because of an Optical illusion. As you know it will still look Blue to you but you know that it is not Blue. So it is an APPEARANCE.

Customer is Not God. But Customer Appears as God not only physically, but also mentally- mental universe-ideas, thoughts , interest etc. Infinite appears as finite. How? Through Space, Time and Cause and Effect.

Cause and Effect is Science. But Cause of Causation, cannot be apprehended by Human Brain.( Just like showing your laptop to a dog ,what will dog understand). We know there is Space and Time. What is there before Time? What is there outside Space? If there is Time, there is something before Time. If there is Space there should be some thing outside space. What is outside your House ?? But It is logically wrong question to ask what is before time or what is outside space? So it is logically wrong question to ask how can be a customer God. Actually Customer only APPEARS as God in form of Space, Time and Causation ( Maya) -Just like Persistence of Vision and Sky appears Blue .

Swami Vivekananda Says WE MUST AND WE WANT to see God in every experience of life - ( Not after Death-Moksha is too late. and who knows what happens after Moksha- You may need a job there !).

Business is also going through Time , Space and Causation. And customer is a Jagath -You and customer -is an finite APPEARANCE of Infinite.So we can  refer Customer ( not only a customer -all creatures in the Universe) as God.


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